Sunday, August 23, 2015

Unplanned Sandpiper

  I will keep the August 21st TPAD brief and to the point.  Much suspense has been created regarding a rare bird found on Friday evening by Mr. Rob Rockly (after botching the ID of a Least Sandpiper--but re-identifying it and more-or-less redeeming himself).

Guesses were all over the map.  Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher?  No.  House Martin?  I wish.  Mississippi Kite?  Nope.  Bartramian Sandpiper?  Yes.

Upland Sandpiper.  Not a Tinamou.  Not a Plains Wanderer.
   This is the first record on SEFI since 2002 and the seventh for the island and the 31st record for California.  A good bird by any standard.  Perhaps it will stick around for Don Mastwell's arrival in two weeks?

And now we have this guest portrait from Jim Tietz:

Costume Party?  Western Gull wearing a Pigeon Guillemot.  Photograph by Jim Tietz.


  1. did the gull actually choke down that PIGU? Amazing?

  2. did the gull actually choke down that PIGU? Amazing?
